Birmingham Alabama Summer Pest Control, Get Ready!

Michael Wienecke
Welcome to another episode of pesky pest control podcast here in Birmingham, Alabama with Michael and Travis. We do this podcast as a community service for Birmingham, Hoover Vestavia, hills, mountain Brook Halina, Alabaster, Pelham, and all other surrounding areas. So today I want to talk about summertime, and what summertime pests bring the, you know, the the issues that we see in the summer and the influx of bug, Travis take it away.

Travis McGowin
Well, you know, when the summertime comes around, I mean, I think after, you know, fall and winter, there’s, there’s quite a few people, myself not included, I like to colder weather, but a lot of people really do look forward to that warm up time not having to, you know, wear bulky jackets anymore, and just being able to be outside and enjoying, you know, their yard and their outdoor spaces more than they were during the wintertime. But along with that comes the influx of past I mean, you know, from the increase in temperature, the increase in humidity, things starting to bloom, just that whole host of things that spring and summer brings so but I would say yeah, so that’s going to be peak time for the bugs to kind of start coming back making their appearance and for people to see them inside their house outside their house and everywhere they go. You know, if you want to talk about some of the pests that show up, I’m just gonna go ahead and throw this out there my least favorite is the mosquito.

Michael Wienecke
Yeah, I would agree with you there. You know, as far as as an uptick in pest that we see, you know, we see a lot more Roach activity, we see a lot more an activity, obviously, mosquitoes see a lot more fly activity. So you know, there’s some challenges that come with summertime and it with heating up and, and don’t forget, you know, if we ever have, we have had a very hot winter, we’ve only had a few, you know, few weeks of just freezing temperatures. So not having that, that cold to kill off those those bugs or, you know, Hibernate those bugs, if you will, you know, can cause them to, you know, just completely have a huge influx in the summertime.

Travis McGowin
Definitely, you know, talking about, like I said, mosquitoes, I mean, I’ve seen mosquitoes just a couple of days ago outside, I mean, you know, it’s February. So you know, they haven’t gone anywhere, they’re still here. And like you said, it’s just there’s been nothing to try and help knock this population down. For a lot of these insects, whereas where normally they would overwinter they haven’t had to really, in the weather that we’ve had in the climate that we’ve had this past fall and winter time. So definitely, you know, we don’t we didn’t get the break that we really was kind of much needed for us. But here we go, again, the populations are going to start ramping up.

Michael Wienecke
Yeah, I mean, even in December, I was seeing mosquito larva, flowerpots and, and stuff like that. And that’s just not typically when you see larva, you know, forming around. So, um, we are excited about though, I mean, you know, there’s, there’s gonna be a lot of a lot of things that we’re doing. And, you know, a lot of, obviously, the podcast, starting a YouTube channel, and some other things, you know, in the work, so I’m excited about that.

Travis McGowin
Definitely, and, and, you know, I’ve always said this, since we since we started working together in here in pesky pest control, but I was just talking about this with one of our technicians the other day, one of my absolute favorite things to do is to come into a problem or a situation where there’s been no relief or you know, where the customer may have either had another company that just wasn’t able to kind of get everything taken care of, or, or wasn’t able to discover the the source of the problem and get rid of it. And so one of my most favorite things is to be able to walk into a situation, and to be able to be a problem solver and handle that for the customer. And to dress that to be able to talk about that in a way that’s going to help other people as we put that out on social media as we put that out in YouTube and blog and video log platforms. So that maybe somebody who’s got themselves in a similar situation can really benefit from the information that that we’re sharing out there, you know, free to the masses so that they can maybe either do things yourself or discover you know, where they’ve been misled on some things whether it’s, you know, knowledge of bugs or, or the behavior patterns of insects and that sort of thing. So, yeah, that’s my favorite part is just being a problem solver. And I think with what we’re cooking ups, you know, going into the spring in the summer is going to be very helpful for people.

Michael Wienecke
Yeah, I agree with you. Excuse me. I you know, I love problem solving. We wrote firefighter paramedics before this and we problem solved in that and our, you know, saving saving people from bugs. So like I said, problem solving is definitely I was Say, you know, having somebody come in and you know, say, hey, nobody can get rid of this problem for me. And you know, us, you know, figuring it out and just and just taking that time to try to figure out either you know where that end nest is or where that store product best is coming from or something like that. You know, I love solving that issue. And then you know that customer No, and hey, I’m not gonna have this problem again.

Travis McGowin
Definitely, definitely, that’s probably one of the most rewarding things about the job that we do.

Michael Wienecke
That’s right. Well, um, like I said, we just wanted to take this time to kind of talk about summertime, you know, what we’ve got going on and stuff like that. So and of course, you know, if you have any questions on any bugs or any problem that you are having with pests, wildlife, anything like that, please feel free to give us a call at any time. We’d love to speak with you and, and help you out as best we can. So thank you for listening to the pesky pest control podcast here in Birmingham, Alabama with Michael and Travis. If you have any questions about what we’ve discussed today, please give us a call at 205-470-8161 and ask for me Michael Wienecke, I’ll be happy to speak with you anytime. And don’t forget to share this podcast with your friends and subscribe to us on Apple, Amazon, Google and Spotify. Thanks for listening, and we’ll see you next time.

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