Homeowners May Accidentally Bring Termites Into Their Birmingham, Alabama Homes!

Welcome to another episode of Peskies Pest Control podcast here in Birmingham Alabama with Michael and Travis. We do this podcast as a community service for Birmingham, Hoover, Vestavia Hills, Mountain Brook, Helena, Alabaster, Pelham and all other surrounding areas!

Michael Wienecke:
Hey, so at Peskies Pest Control we are a full termite protection company. Typically we protect homes from termites. We had a really weird situation a couple months ago where a customer actually brought termites into their home. They infested the garage, so we’d like to just show that video, talk about it a little bit, and help you not make the same mistake. So here we’re doing inspection throughout the whole house. We got in the garage. That wood pile was actually stacked on the ground. As we’re coming around, that was full of termites. So there was some old wood in that pile full of termites.

Travis McGowin:
Yeah, people don’t realize just how easy it is to bring a creature like a termite into their house. But I mean look at that. I mean you see cracking the foundation there in the slab right there in the garage and the mud tubes where they had started to branch out across the wood. Of course consuming the cellulose in the wood and finding a way to get back down towards the ground to get a moisture, to get moisture and branch out from there. You see the termites right there coming up and down from the cracks.

Michael Wienecke:
Yep, so the customer was amazed that she had brought termites into the house. We ended up putting a Sentricon above ground station over that crack completely within two, three months. Termites were completely dead. The entire colony was dead. Problem was solved. So biggest thing we always tell our customers when we are doing an inspection is keep any wood, cellulose, material. Don’t put it right up against your house. Certainly don’t put it in your house. So try to keep that within a distance because with our Sentricon system around the house, with the baiting system, it’s going to take care of any issues. But when you start bringing those termites right up against the house, you always run that risk of them getting into the foundation and finding a way into your home.

Travis McGowin:
Yeah, no stacks of firewood on the inside of the garage or outside of the garage. Another one that we unfortunately see sometimes is leftover construction materials inside of a crawl space, you know, scrap pieces of wood that weren’t cleaned out that we flipped over during a crawl space inspection and found termites actively consuming that wood product. And those termites could have just as easily instead of, you know, going down into the crack in the foundation as being their only, you know, they could have just as easily went over and went up into that wall space right there on the back side of where that firewood was stacked and caused, you know, structural damage to the house and to the wall. So definitely highly recommend never, never bringing wood in close to the, you know, close to the house. And if for some reason you have to give it a very thorough look over to make sure that you don’t have anything infesting that wood before you bring it in.

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