Flesh Flies are Buzzing Around Birmingham, Alabama

Welcome to another episode of Peskies Pest Control podcast here in Birmingham Alabama with Michael and Travis. We do this podcast as a community service for Birmingham, Hoover, Vestavia Hills, Mountain Brook, Helena, Pelham and all other surrounding areas!

Michael Wienecke 0:00
Hey hey, so today I want to talk about an issue that we see every now and then that really you can alleviate yourself is the flesh fly. So a flush fly normally will get inside your house around your house, if there’s something dead, whether it’s in the attic, whether it’s in the house, whether it’s in the crawlspace, or even, you know, the backyard. If you you know, wake up one day, or you just start noticing a bunch of huge flies buzzing around your house or inside your house. Normally, that’s what it is, this flashlight is one of the best ways to identify it is just, you know, the easiest way is it’s got kind of like, like a gray body with little white, white and black stripes going down it kind of the best way it’s not, they’re not really Stripes, they’re more like striations, I guess you’d say. But as far as you know, solving the issue of flesh flies, it’s always gonna be removing that dead animal. Where we come in as pest control professionals is that you can’t get to that dead animal. We can try to get rid of the dead animal, we can try to remove it. Most homeowners don’t want to pick up a dead animal. Travis, I know you’ve probably experienced that.

Travis McGowin 1:16
Yeah, most people are not really fond of, of touching anything that’s deceased, unless be real. A lot of the animals whether it be you know, rodents, or birds or you know, a little bit larger mammals that whatever it is. Some Yeah, some of those things. They don’t even want to touch when they’re alive. So you know, factor in the problem that they’re dead now, and the customer is really not going to want to put their hands on it.

Michael Wienecke 1:43
It’s funny. I was on a job the other day, and I had a customer and she was just like, what you do is just gross. I was like, Yeah, but I like it. So I’ve heard

Travis McGowin 1:53
that many times when dealing with many different things. It’s like how do you stomach what you do? And I’m like, Well, I mean, I don’t know if this makes me a weird individual. But I enjoy my job.

Michael Wienecke 2:03
Oh, yeah, no, we definitely love it, we definitely love it. So. So like I said, just the biggest thing that we as pest pest control professionals can do is you know, we’ll come in evaluate, obviously, that it is flesh wise, try to remove that, that dead animal, and then come in and do a bait treatment around the windows because those flowers are going to be trying to get out of the house. So they’re going to be coming towards the windows, and they’re gonna be done towards the windows. And again, they’re very large laws compared to like a house fly, or any other fly out there. They’re quite large laws. So, you know, will will bite the windows bait the doorframes. And they’ll eat that bait. And typically, you know, trash, what would you say about 2030 minutes, the flies dissipate. And they’re pretty much gone after that.

Travis McGowin 2:47
Yeah, you know, I’ve had a customer that had a very similar situation, you know, now that you mentioned that, about kind of waking up or coming back home and just there being this explosion of flies. And so I did I did just that I did inspect the house, I inspected the attic, the house was on a slab I did not find anything did and I hunted for quite a while, um, I even looked around the outside of the house. Like I said, I was looking for anything, any possible source of these flies. Just because overnight, they had showed up, I could not locate any dead animal. However I did, like you said I baited around the windows, you know, some of that fly bait in about 60 seconds to a minute and a half. I mean, the flies are once they contacted their dying, it works that quickly. And then by I believe, well the customer was going out of town. And she didn’t want a bunch of flies in her house obviously while she was gone, but when she came back, she said there was not a fly in existence, and they were all just did

Michael Wienecke 3:54
well and then the alternative, you know, for the customer, if they really wanted to go hunting a bunch of flies, I would recommend that electric floss water. I mean, you could have a file that’s just entertainment with 500 flies flying around, you kill a lot of fly

Travis McGowin 4:06
on their large targets too. So that’s, that’s just fun. That’s the kids going on.

Michael Wienecke 4:11
Or that that’s that gun that shoots the salt. So,

Travis McGowin 4:15
you know, I’ve had mixed results, but the electric flyswatter is where it’s at and there’s nothing you know, to me to use to the customers to people listening. Let me just tell you, there’s nothing more satisfying than seeing one of those flies get electrified.

Michael Wienecke 4:32
Hey, there’s nothing more satisfying than seeing them eat the bait and just drop to the ground. So yeah, I agree with you there and also I’ll go and you know, right so sometimes when we when we do get to a house and there is a dead animal on a wall, we can’t always get to that dead animal if it’s stuck in a wall void you know behind sheet rock and the problem is is that when something dies and it can die like for instance I my house I had a dead mouse in the light, the light socket and I looked over Were in try to find this thing I could not find it anywhere shove cutting all the sheetrock out and just starting to look never knew that it was in the light socket a couple of months later or the the wall outlet it went out and I pulled it out and you know bones and all that came out so it’s not always that easy to find something dead because like I said it could be in the wall void in the home and you could smell it in the attic you just you just don’t ever know but you know if we get in there in the crawlspace and he’s laying in the middle of the floor pretty easy pick it up attic Same Same deal just you know, removing that that dead source and then not not having to worry about those maggots, you know, turn it into flaws and all that so yeah, a little nasty but that’s just how it is.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai

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